Vinohead: Corkboard

When you’re multiple time zones and an ocean apart, sometimes it’s morning coffee & afternoon tea in place of wine for a virtual chat. Add in a stomach bug and travel exhaustion from both interviewer and interviewee this week, you’d think this might potentially be a laborious conversation. But with the lively Amelia Singer on…

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London Wine Fair highlights


Wow wow wow!! I am still processing yesterday’s London Wine Fair. It was the perfect combination of catching up with old friends, trying new exciting wines, being able to support countries during difficult times as well as welcoming in the next generation of wine communicators. And the day ended at the Drinks business awards with…

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English booze from Waitrose paired with jubilee fare

London Wine Fair

English Booze from @waitrose paired to Jubilee FareWith a Ginger spice inspired flair.. 1. @wearetheuncommon Bubbly White £5.00Perfect bubbly quaffing option with hints of elderflower. 2. @chapeldown Flint Dry White NOW £12Zippy Chardonnay blend that combines apple orchard fruit with lime cordial brightness. Perfect with a creamy English goats cheese like Ragstone. 3. @simpsonswine Rosé…

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Vienna Wine Fair takeaways

English wine from Waitrose

Mentioning my father, I can’t fail to share some wine insights for @vievinum ( the Viennese wine fair). This is not an ad – I just loved my time there and I feel very lucky to have Austrian blood! 1. Vienna is THE city for wine lovers. It is the largest wine producing city in…

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Viennese Delights – and it’s not just wine!

Vienna Wine Fair

My father and I – giddy with excitement – exactly a week ago we were just about to celebrate the momentous 850th birthday of one of our favourite wineries @winery.schlossgobelsburg . I couldn’t have imagined starting the Vienna Wine Fair weekend any better! I will be posting more about Austrian wine but as my Ig…

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Cheers to the Underdog!

Viennese wines

Yes! A White Wine won OVERALL at the Wines of Portugal tasting – BEATING 1,400 other wines!   Recently I have really been appreciating the huge diversity of white wine styles and grapes offered by this relatively small country. The UK is 2.5 times the size!   Most people think of light, cheap, spritzy wines…

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Unity Through Difference

Amelia Singer

Still processing last week’s judging in Portugal and words really can’t adequately sum up the experience. Squeals, emphatic hand gestures and jumping up and down are a far more accurate portrayal. I will be writing future posts on some of the incredible wines I tasted but what I also take away from these special trips…

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Award for the people by the people

Unity Through Difference

Yesterday was my 4th time co hosting @peopleschoicedrinksawards for wine and it still feels like such a honour. The People’s Choice wine awards are the only national wine awards which involve non trade individuals in the judging process, with wine professionals participating alongside. I fell in love with this concept as soon as I heard…

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Indian Food & Cabernet

Starting this Monday feeling motivated after a fantastic evening of Cabernet imbibing and Indian feasting at Atul Kochar’s wonderful restaurant Vaasu. The last picture shows how much we enjoyed ourselves! A huge huge thanks needs to go to the incredible team at Vaasu for creating such a memorable occasion. This was my first live event…

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The best Christmas wine the high street has to offer in 2021

Indian Food & Cabernet

Last week I collaborated with the wonderful fashion and media platform @sheerluxe, with some last minute suggestions of the best Christmas wine the high street has to offer. Small confession, I was sent the wrong Rioja! It was meant to be the Reserva! Please see below for exact wine details. We covered Bubbles, Reds and…

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