Can Alcohol Free not be fun free?!

Alcohol free wine

My first ever post with a non alcoholic wine. *audible background gasps* This is a slightly different take on the imminent festive season.

 I always am enlightened to new things wine wise in London. It seriously has the most cosmopolitan and diverse wine offering in the world. But this year what really got my attention was the amount of quality low or zero alcohol wine / beverage options.


It has been reported ad nauseam that wine drinkers and drinkers in general are more aware of issues relating to health, sustainability and provenance and this is influencing their alcohol choices.


I am all for being mindful of how much / what you drink but in the past all the non alcohol wine options tasted of confected grape juice. And wearily I would purchase elderflower cordial yet again to cater for non alcohol imbibing friends.

Well not this year people! The tee total tipples have been spiced up. I was absolutely amazed by a zero alcohol Riesling made by @johannesleitz and cleverly called ‘Eins Zwei Zero’. It has all the fruity aroma of the Riesling  grape combined with a fantastic structure of deep baked  apple fruit and vibrant acidity. It is a sophisticated offering which is extremely versatile with party food and is only £6.99 from @waitrose.  It is actually so well made I am tempted to serve it to my friends blind and see who can tell ….


Another outstanding TEA total tipple is made by the Copenhagen Sparkling tea company. Their zero percent  alcohol, beautifully packaged bubbly called Rod ; exudes oolong spice, lifted hibiscus perfume, a Moreish dried orange peel tang and fantastic bubbles. Expressive without being opulent, this tea tantalises with its revivifying acidity that immediately spices up smoked salmon Canapés and cocktail sausages. Available from @jeroboams and @fortnums for £15 – £16.

Although I am definitely not tee total nor pregnant (!), there are definitely periods of the festive season when I know I just need to give my body a rest. This year I can do that and not feel like I have compromised. In fact, it’s quite the opposite!


What do you love to enjoy or serve as an alcohol free option? 

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